Languages of Papua New Guinea

Supplement to Organized Phonology Data for Kombio

Not Available Online
Date Created:
1987 - 2011
44 pages
This Supplement was written to provide explanation and further illustrations than were allowed in the strict data outline of the Organized Phonology Data paper. It was necessary in order to provide an adequate basic picture, because of the level of complication in Kombio phonology. It includes reasons behind choices to interpret semivowels as consonants and various sequences-some as single phonemes and some as CC or VV, allophonic variations and rules governing it, some dialect variations as it affects sounds described, unusual sounds such as the stop+nasal phoneme and the interpretation of many sequences as modified consonants rather than CC or CV, as well extended discussion and examples of the widespread morphophonemic and rules which govern the processes. There is also a section on orthographic problem areas and puzzling factors regarding stress. There is a large series of tables showing comparative data between phonetically similar segments at the end of the paper, as well as tables for phoneme sequence and placement within syllables and across syllable breaks.
Publication Status:
Draft (posted 'as is' without peer review)
Subject Languages:
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SIL Doulos IPA93 font
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