Languages of Papua New Guinea

Tentative Grammar Description for the Nara Language

Statement of Responsibility:
Taba, Ali, Aua Alua and Namsoo Kim
Date Created:
39 pages
A brief and tentative grammatical description of the Nara (Lala) language, focusing on aspects of the grammar that are relevant to translation work.This description was created during a four-week long workshop in which one or two mother tongue speakers collected texts in their language (recording them in audio format and then typing them up into FLEx and giving word glosses), then used these texts to investigate different grammatical topics and type them up into this grammar description. As such, the analysis is based on very limited exposure to the language for the linguistically trained staff, and very little exposure to linguistics on behalf of the mother-tongue speakers, and thus must be considered only an initial and very tentative exploration of linguistic features.
Publication Status:
Draft (posted 'as is' without peer review)
Subject Languages:
Content Language:
Work Type:
Nature of Work:
Fieldworks Language Explorer
Entry Number: